Friday, July 18, 2008

Doogie Howser Meets Barney In Old Spice Commercial

Neil Patrick Harris is known for two major roles—his dorky child star role as Doogie Howser and his suave comeback as Barney on How I Met Your Mother. Pretty different roles, but they both play a part in Old Spice's latest spot. Harris presents himself as a former pretend doctor in a very Barney-like character in Barney's dream fake hospital with hot nurses and people making out in the hallways. If you're going to use a celebrity spokesperson, this is the way to do it.


Anonymous said...

I love this commercial!

Bruce Hershey said...

I must say that the Old Spice guy is still the ultimate manly winner here, but nevertheless Barley Stinson deserves some recognition as well. I first saw these cool commercials back when I was in Toronto. They were even a whole night's topic that my friends and I talked about. Apparently, we wanted to be just as manly as the Old Spice guy.